Choosing Hope…..

I know that I am not alone when I say that this has been a difficult week. I seemed to struggle with this week from day one. By Friday morning I was more than ready to have the week come to a close. As I sat reviewing all of the things that I felt had gone terribly wrong with my week, I received the tragic news of the shooting in Connecticut. Suddenly, all of the things that I felt had caused my week to be so bad seemed so trivial, so insignificant.

As I reflected on my sudden change in perspective, it occurred to me how important a role that perspective plays in our day to day lives. Everything that happens in our lives is colored by the context in which we view it. How “bad” a week, a day or an event in our life is, is relative to the events we compare it to.

I was reminded of this a couple of weeks ago on my drive to work. I left for work just as the sun was coming up. As I headed North, to my right I saw the Eastern sky filling with light. I saw the beautiful rising sun filling the sky with gorgeous hues of orange, pink and purple. However, to my left it was still night. I saw the moon, the stars and darkness. I was struck by the thought that the direction I chose to look determined whether I saw night or day, whether I saw darkness or light. The choice was mine.

So, in the middle of the darkest of nights, I will choose to believe that morning will soon come. In the worst of storms I will choose to believe that in time the winds will calm the rain will stop and the sun will return. In the depths of despair, I will choose to have hope.

When I have a week such as this one, I will remember that hope “….is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstances….It encourages and inspires us to place our trust in the loving care of an eternal Heavenly Father, who has prepared a way for those who seek for eternal truth in a world of relativism, confusion, and of fear”( Dieter F. Uchtdorf ).

I will remember this, and I will choose to have hope…..



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13 Responses to Choosing Hope…..

  1. Rose Haynes says:

    Such a wonderful message after all the events that happened this week. Thank you.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Very well written. I choose to have hope as well and with The Lord’s constant love and guidance we will continue with faith and hope.


  3. Sabrina "Your Twinner" Showalter says:

    There is nothing better than Faith, Hope & Love.
    Thanks for a great Read.


  4. lisa says:

    So eloquently written.


  5. I love you for your perspective.


  6. It makes me think of one of my favorite quotes…. It’s a line from the finale to “Les Miserables,” which says, “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”


  7. Palak says:

    Perspectives.. such a powerful thing.. I often tell others that everything is a mere perspective.. to change your life, just change your perspective..

    To think of that moment.. dawn.. half light, half dark.. that we decide whether we see joy or depression.. beautifully put.


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